Below are a few examples of content. The first is a small group handout activity, the second is an artist’s rendition of the “new content” home page that you could click to get to a webpage associated with critiquing the handout (the present Beta website version of the same may be found here and is a work in progress, but functional enough for now), and the third is one slide from a PowerPoint based lecture.

Note that the PowerPoint has speakers notes, wherein every word & gesture the speaker must say & do is written out such that one could verbatim read the slides while hiding behind a podium to relatively effortlessly achieve a great lecture. A forthcoming forum post/video will explain the power of PowerPoint speaker’s notes, how to use them, and testimonials of people with little catechetical experience that were terrified of public speaking who delivered great talks with little preparation. You can even practice delivering presentations with other VeriCat users via the “PROPS” (Peer Review of Presentations) Forum .

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