wdt_ID | Webpage | Type | Title | Description | Rating | Length | Author | Keywords | Audience Age | Audience Religion | Audience Trust | Audience Formation | Audio/Visual | Cost |
1 | Small Group | The Lord's Day Christmas Analogy | Compare every Sunday to Christmas as fun activity to examen if 3rd commandment broken or not. | 4 Stars | 20 minutes | Cirra | 10 Commandments | Adult | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | None | None | |
4 | http://vericat.org/QU-0523-0004/ | Quiz | QU-0423-0001 Alternative Shorter Answer Key | Answer Key for QU-0423-0001 that is much briefer than the original | 3 Stars | 10 minutes | HumbleHelen | Theology | Adult | Catholic | Mixed | Mixed | None | None |
3 | https://vericat.org/QU-0423-0001/ | Quiz | Catholic Benchmark Quiz | Quiz to gauge your flock's theology knowledge & adjust your tactics accordingly. | 4 Stars | 20 minutes | CAThanasius | Theology | Adult | Catholic | Mixed | Mixed | None | None |
5 | http://vericat.org/le-0523-0008/ | Lecture | ProLife Apologetics History & Exhortation | Overview of ProLife issues, history of abortion in the bible and in the saints, and an exhortation to join the ProLife movement. | 4 Stars | 60 Minutes | Cirra | ProLife, History, Apologetics | Adult | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | Both Audio and Video | None |
6 | https://vericat.org/le-0523-0002/ | Lecture | Eucharist USC RCIA | Overview of the Eucharist with a Handout | 4 Stars | 30 minutes | Boniface | Eucharist, RCIA, Sacraments | Adult | Mixed | Mixed | Mixed | Visual | None |
Webpage | Type | Title | Description | Rating | Length | Author | Keywords | Audience Age | Audience Religion | Audience Trust | Audience Formation | Audio/Visual | Cost |
Presently the Beta version of the Database of Catechesis Material is lacking rating & voting functionality (amongst other things), but if you click the hyperlinks it will take you to the material [ please help us fill this database by contributing content to it ].
Below is an example of what it could look like in the future. Note that various different advanced search and filtering options exist to help you discover the ideal catechesis materials for your unique needs.
Clicking on the ID Number will take you to the associated webpage which contains the material, verification file, reviews, etc (see Example Material ). Material that has received more or less upvotes or downvotes are shown in green or red respectively, which helps one discern the popularity of the material.

No one talk will suit all audiences, and that’s where pre-canned mass produced professional materials often fail. Different versions of the same VeriCat materials intended for different audiences (age, level of trust, etc) or for different time windows will often be available already or can relatively easily be crafted. The ability to tailor content to your unique flock to maximize probability of success is one of the main roles of the Catechist and it can be done more effectively with VeriCat’s database that allows you to search for say “a 30 minute activity on prayer to do with a mixed Catholic/Protestant initial OCIA class of older adults” (all these criteria are searchable and in time there will be many such materials to choose from within that search criteria).