A page that will provide links to our recommended curriculum for CCD, OCIA/RCIA, High School Confirmation, and other typical parish catechetical activities (including retreats).

Each recommended curriculum will include a schedule, links to material from the Database of Catechesis Materials, pertinent Forum content, and useful administrative materials (e.g., registration forms, consent forms, tips for when and how to email parents, etc.). These recommended curriculums will be a compilation of the best material on VeriCat.org and will be updated annually as newer higher rated content is submitted.

VeriCat.org seeks to empower religious education directors and their teams to deliver live-in-person lectures. We have found that live-in-person lectures are far more effective than playing videos of talks, for both the students’ and the catechists’ education (because people rarely go to in-person talks nowadays so you have a higher chance of making an impression and winning a soul speaking in person compared to presenting them with their 7th hour of screen time). Prior to VeriCat.org in our experience it would take ~30 hours to develop a talk from scratch and that would be ~30 less hours available to spend interacting with your flock on a one on one or small group basis. With VeriCat resources, one can simply spend an hour practicing an already created talk, a few hours studying the church documents cited in the Verification File, and verbatim read the speaker notes available in the VeriCat lecture’s PowerPoint presentation with relatively little effort. So let VeriCat help take the burden of curriculum development off your plate so that you can spend more time with your flock and less time on administrative logistics.

Please review our financial plans and consider donating or becoming a volunteer (even only an hour a month helps)